My Experience in Omaha For The College World Series

As a generally big fan of all sporting events, the College World Series was definitely a bucket list destination for ole Dana Baseball. Me and my partner in crime, Boozy Boy, took a trip down to Omaha for four days to soak it all in. It was about 95 degrees without a cloud in the sky all four days, but that just made the experience even better. We sat in the bleachers for four different games, interviewed a ton of interesting people, and checked out Rocco's where the legendary Jello Shot Challenge was going down.

The place was absolutely swamped with LSU Tiger fans and they were an extremely jolly bunch. We also went to a bar in Omaha called The Happy Bar, which turns into a full on LSU bar during the College World Series. If you're ever in Omaha, you gotta check it out. Some of the most genuinely nice people I've come across in all my travels. We also got a couple rounds of golf in the mornings during the week and shot extremely mediocre scores. Enjoy the video.

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